On the road to net zero

As part of the EUnited lecture program at this year's IFAT in Munich, Aebi Schmidt presented to interested visitors which approaches may better contribute to achieve ambitious emission targets both more efficiently and more sustainably.

On the road to net zero: How to achieve your emissions target sustainably and with more than just an alternative drive!

Presentation Slides, 13 pages, PDF, English

The number of those who are setting themselves ambitious targets for reducing emissions is growing continuously. Switching to electrically powered machines is an effective, but by no means the only factor that can make a lasting contribution to achieving these targets. We will introduce you to technologies and solutions that will make you fit for the future.

Aebi Schmidt has a unique variety of own vehicles and attachments for customised vehicle equipment for many areas of application of local authorities and contractors. Thanks to decades of close dialogue with the users of our equipment, we know that the context of the overarching mandate must always be taken into account in order to develop a successful solution. This is why we research and develop technologies and processes that go far beyond the electric drive - holistically as well as repeatedly with simple and flexibly expandable individual components with a view to the future. The presentation outlines the approaches you can use to achieve your ecologically sustainable goals in an economically sustainable way.

«The whole is greater than the sum of its parts»: How a combination of digital and conventional technologies may boost your efficiency!

Presentation Slides, 12 pages, PDF, English

The wisdom that you not only have to do the right things, but also do things right, is a constant challenge for owners and manufacturers alike. Because «things» change over time, both internally and externally. We will show you how to master future challenges without having to reinvent the wheel every time.

The awareness that digital solutions will make operations more efficient and save resources manifested itself at Aebi Schmidt already 10 years before the introduction of the first Apple iphone, namely in 1997. Today, we rarely have to convince anyone that good data management can save substantial resources and costs. At the same time, many years of experience have shown that efficiency is not only driven by digital solutions. Digitally sophisticated route planning is only of a limited benefit if, for example, the battery does not work efficiently enough. The presentation outlines both the current potential of digital solutions and how analogue or conventional approaches and processes can lead to greater efficiency.

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