The SHJ 207 TR is a tractor side plough, which provides up to 4.5m working width, in combination with a front-mounted plough. The special construction of the wing attachment allows its use instead of a grader in winter maintenance, tackling snowbank cutting and clearance by employing a negative lateral angle.

Arctic |Snow plough|SHJ TR

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Tractor side plough for diverse use

The SHJ TR tractor side plough can be used in streets, municipal areas, private roads and graveled drives. Its strong plough structure ensures safe snow ploughing without compromising on ploughing speed. It has very low maintenance needs, with a lifespan of up to 20 years. Tractor side ploughs have seen increased popularity for tackling areas with heavy snow coverage and amongst tractor contractors.

Side plough wing

The plough wing is built with the same logic as our heavy-duty truck models, with a similar 42° angle of attack. This helps efficiently cut any frozen substance from the road surface and keep fuel consumption low. The wing itself is constructed from 4mm steel and is specially reinforced for heavy-duty work.

Snowbank cutting

The plough wing is equipped with a special cylinder that can move it to a negative inclination and allow to move snow further from road edge – very useful in spring. This provides faster drying of the road surface and reduces the need of grader for similar jobs.

If needed, snowbank cutting can be done at a lifted position, while the height of the remaining snow layer is adjusted by the tractor’s three-point linkage.

Attachment system

The side plough has its own subframe and needs only a rear three-point linkage for attachment, as well as two pairs of hydraulic reverse lines with control from the tractor. The lifting function is achieved by the lifting or lowering of the three-point linkage itself.

Protection systems

The plough wing has mechanical protection in case of accident or significant wing overloading thanks to a safety bolt. This is released and the wing moves back towards the tractor without further damage to equipment or other vehicles.


  • Wear disk support
  • Support storage legs
  • Edge LED light
  • Steel blade set
  • Hard metal blade set