What tool does an Aebi Schmidt service technician always keep on hand?

Aebi Schmidt’s ultimate mission is to improve the performance of our customers all over the world. To accomplish this, our service team not only travels the world to train our customers and maintain their equipment. Join us for an exclusive glimpse behind the scenes and secrets of their mission beyond borders.

Owners and operators of specialized machinery for municipal, airport and agricultural applications, require not just innovative products but also reliable service and support. Notably independent of where they’re located. That’s why with Aebi Schmidt you can rely on a team of experts who provide on-site or remote support, training, and maintenance expertise. The team's experience and commitment ensure optimal performance, regardless of where on our planet they are used. Meet the team in the video here to learn about motivation, learnings and a few unforgettable moments if you travel the world.

From freezing cold to scorching heat

Our service promise is as simple as it is fundamental: we ensure that every Aebi Schmidt machine, no matter where it is in the world, operates at peak performance. This requires on-site technical support and troubleshooting in all conditions, from freezing cold to scorching heat. Along with sometimes limited mobile connectivity, the service technicians frequently find themselves working independently to solve urgent issues, requiring creative solutions, such as finding a workaround when a laptop fails to function at -25°C or conducting a training session in the middle of the night on an airport runway. That’s why some tools are always on hand of the technicians, such as a paperclip, lighter, programming cable and even water pump pliers.

Training has proven to help reducing downtime

Special equipment requires specialized knowledge to operate it effectively. Hence, a key responsibility of our service team is to train operators and fleet managers as well as the staff of our own dealerships in the proper use, maintenance, and repair of the machines. Specific and practical training on site has proven to be invaluable in reducing downtime, improving efficiency, and extending the lifespan of the equipment.

Remote support is becoming increasingly important

Not only to avoid unnecessary and nonetheless often time-consuming travel and corresponding emissions, but also to provide immediate support to customers, remote services are becoming increasingly important. Today, recalibrating software and control units can easily be made online. With the use of appropriate tools and techniques, even some training sessions can be done online.

As technology advances both for products and the way we work together, the job routines for the service team are also evolving. However, this is more of a motivation than a challenge for our service technicians. They are passionate about maintaining our customer’s operational readiness and providing the best possible service. Where and how is secondary.