The council has recently replaced three of its Swingos on a like-for like basis taking the total compact sweeper fleet to five units. All five will be working flat out at this time of the year, tackling leaf fall across the borough, working to a busy leafing schedule.
A fleet built for the task
The borough council has one Swingo operating permanently in Basingstoke town centre seven days a week to keep pedestrian areas spick and span and clear of debris. The remainder work across housing estates and suburban areas throughout the borough five days a week.
The council’s leaf-sweeping schedule means that each designated area will be tackled two or three times during the busy leaf fall season, which runs from the start of November to the end of January, and sometimes extends into February.
“We work the Swingos very hard at this time of the year,” says Assistant Street Cleansing Manager (North) John Atkinson, “but they have proved more than equal to the task. By the end of the schedule at the end of January, we expect to have removed 95% of leaf litter.”

Cleaner streets, cleaner air
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council now uses a low-emission biofuel (HVO) in more than 75 vehicles across its street cleansing and grounds maintenance fleet as part of its commitment to cut its carbon footprint to tackle the climate emergency.
The Swingos run happily on the renewable, sustainable and 100% biodegradable fuel, which carries a slight cost premium over diesel but which is much friendlier to the environment, says John Atkinson.
“We estimate that we are generating up to 98% less CO2, fewer particulates and less soot over conventional diesel with the environmental gains far outweighing any financial costs,” he says.
Driving sustainability forward
Durability and reliability are crucial for the council's demanding workload. “The Swingos have consistently proven their robustness, making them ideal for intensive use,” says Atkinson. The dual fuel capability of the Swingo also makes it an attractive option for councils striving to enhance their environmental credentials, as noted by Matthew Elderkin, UK Sales Manager at Aebi Schmidt.
By combining efficient operations with a focus on sustainability, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council demonstrates how modern technology and environmental responsibility can go hand in hand.