BER relies on innovation

Berlin Airport was the first major airport to test whether and how our autonomous technology can be integrated into their specific operational concept. During the winter months, vehicles, equipment and software have been tested intensively and with great commitment. Conclusion: The future also works in Berlin!

Since the beginning of the development of our autonomously operating jet sweepers, we promised not to offer an off-the-shelf concept, but one that can be adapted to the specific parameters of the respective airport. Shortly after the presentation of our fully integrated system in Stuttgart, the specifically equipped jet sweepers «moved» to Berlin, where they were intensively tested over the past winter months. Conclusion: It works perfectly - to the full satisfaction of all involved.

See and hear for yourself what the challenges are at Berlin Brandenburg Airport and why our technology has met with great interest there, (video in German, activate CC button for subtitles in various languages).

We would like to thank the entire team at Berlin Brandenburg Airport for their trust and commitment over the past months.

Over the summer months, the vehicles and equipment will now make a stop at a further airport, where a different operational concept will be tested for the first time: the herd principle. We will keep you up to date here on our blog on what this means exactly and what the differences are to the conventional «follow the leader» approach.