‘In summer we use the machine to clean surfaces, wash tunnels and remove dirt from state roads,’ explains Paul Perwög, Head of the Vehicle and Machine Logistics Department of the Tyrolean state government. ‘Due to the range of weather types and local conditions, we need a machine that always has salt available in winter, but that can also transport a large amount of brine. The Stratos Combi Soliq, with its flexible receptacles holding up to 10,000 litres, is the optimal solution for us. When we had to replace one of our washing units, we asked Aebi Schmidt whether we could also use the machine in summer,’ says Perwög.

While rinsing, washing and spraying in summer required little or no adjustments, there were also various requirements that seemed somewhat unusual for a spreader at first glance. For instance, the machine had to be able to use the pump to suck up standing water. Fortunately, some adjustments to the control software and two additional taps for the four functions of filling, rinsing, spraying and service met this requirement without too much effort. This resulted in a ‘spreader’ that can be used all year round. This solution demonstrates that good ideas paired with engineering expertise can make a significant contribution towards the sustainable use of resources. What’s more, such all-season systems also help to substantially lower the total cost of ownership (TCO).

‘We now have two machines in operation and have had a positive experience with the all-season use. Salt consumption in winter has dropped significantly because we have been increasingly spraying brine down in the valleys, and now we’re starting to check where this still makes sense and where we can use FS70 or FS50 in certain cases. We’ve also been able to reduce maintenance outlay in autumn because the pump is now in constant use over the summer, so it doesn’t incur damage from being out of operation for an extended period of time. Now the only thing we also need is a truck with a dump body. This means that there are no longer any delays associated with changeover,’ says Perwög. ‘The ‘all-season’ Combi Soliq Flex helps us not only to save salt in winter but to save resources all year long.’
The cost aspect and environmental factors played a key role in the Tyrolean state government’s decision to purchase a machine for all-season purpose. ‘We’re always looking for solutions with an optimal value for money so that we can work towards achieving national and international sustainability goals by purchasing machines with a lower environmental impact,’ says Perwög.
We would like to thank Paul Perwög and the Tyrolean state government for giving us this insight into their work. If you’re also interested in using your spreader all year round, get in touch with the Aebi Schmidt sales consultants in your area. We’d be happy to help you make your processes more environmentally friendly and cost-effective.