National Highways, l'azienda governativa incaricata di gestire le autostrade e le principali A-Roads inglesi, ha acquistato 12 veicoli di resilienza invernale tre in uno da Aebi Schmidt per garantire le proprie capacità di manutenzione invernale.
Le Dolomiti: spettacolari, ma impegnative. Chi lavora qui sa che la tecnologia affidabile è essenziale. Marco Martini conosce bene le sfide dell’agricoltura di montagna: pendii ripidi, condizioni meteo imprevedibili e carichi pesanti fanno parte della sua quotidianità. Ma con il suo Aebi TP 470 Vario, tutto diventa più semplice. Ecco perché ha scelto proprio questo modello. Come il TP 470 Vario facilita il lavoro di ogni giorno lo dimostra il suo racconto.
Al maso Raffalthof di Terenten, in Alto Adige, si trova un Aebi TT 281+ con una storia unica: il 15.000° Terratrac uscito dalla nostra fabbrica di Burgdorf. Di recente abbiamo avuto il piacere di dare il benvenuto ai proprietari di questa pietra miliare, Michael e Brigitte Schmid.
The Schmidt FS HP snow cutter-blower is already setting high standards in snow clearing. The optimisations to the FS HP ensure that the snow cutter-blower, together with other Schmidt winter maintenance solutions, remains at the forefront of snow clearing technology and now supports our customers even more efficiently in maintaining clear and safe roads during the winter months.
Vi siete mai chiesti quanto spesso una spazzatrice compia viaggi inutili per svuotare la tramoggia? Quanto tempo e risorse vengono sprecati in questo processo? La risposta è: più spesso del necessario. Ma non deve essere così! Con l'innovativo sensore di livello della tramoggia di Aebi Schmidt, è possibile mantenere un controllo completo e ottimizzare le operazioni di spazzamento a lungo termine.
The EL+ (pronounced E-L-Plus) is an exciting new member to MB Pavement Marking Equipment’s robust family of striping solutions. Much like the development of any new product, the EL+ was engineered and built with an eye toward production speed, simplified function, and (most importantly) meeting customer needs. The EL+ is a perfect fit for contractors and municipalities that want a standardized paint striping truck that gets the job done.
In the past financial year, the Aebi Schmidt Group’s turnover exceeded one billion euros for the first time in its history. In addition, we have gained market share, which is mainly triggered by the team performance of our individual local sales and service organisations. At the beginning of the year, the heads of the teams shared their experiences, including a visit at Ladog in Zell am Harmersbach (Germany), to see which products and solutions we can use to serve our customers even better in the future.
Il Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, un comune del sud dell'Inghilterra, sta affrontando la caduta delle foglie quest'inverno - il periodo più impegnativo dell'anno - con una flotta di spazzatrici compatte Swingo ecologiche che funzionano con l'HVO (olio vegetale idrotrattato) con emissioni inferiori fino al 98% rispetto al diesel.
CH-Frauenfeld, January 28, 2025 – The Aebi Schmidt Group closes the 2024 financial year with a record result. Sales increased by 7% compared to the previous year and reached the one billion euro mark for the first time, accompanied by a significant increase in market share. The EBIT margin grew overproportionally to 8.2%.
Intertoll Polska, che gestisce il tratto settentrionale dell'autostrada A1, da due decenni stabilisce nuovi standard nella manutenzione stradale. La collaborazione con Aebi Schmidt consente all'azienda di raggiungere la massima qualità operativa, rispondendo alle esigenze uniche dell'infrastruttura stradale polacca.
Although snow and ice remain unchanged, significant advancements in technology have been made to keep roadways safe. For many years, “salt trucks” spread traditional rock salt and sand onto pavement surfaces to combat dangerous conditions. However, since the 1990s, many parts of the U.S. have transitioned to spraying liquid salt instead of simply spreading it. Why the switch? Learn why liquid brine deserves recognition as an effective ice-fighter.
Wallisellen, the youngest town in the canton of Zurich (CH), is known for its forward-thinking approach. With around 18,000 inhabitants and 50 kilometres of roads, plus an equal length of pavements, the town's maintenance team regularly faces significant challenges. Compact sweepers are indispensable tools for this work. However, when their tried-and-tested Schmidt Swingo 200+ diesel sweeper surpassed the 10,000-hour mark, the question arose: what’s next?
Sustainability is not just a buzzword, but a decisive factor for modern winter service solutions. With IntelliOPS Winter Service, our operations and fleet management system, the Aebi Schmidt Group demonstrates how innovative technology helps to safe resources while delivering the highest quality. Thanks to the use of our system, the Danish Vejdirektoratet has been able to significantly increase its efficiency: it is expected to save up to 3000 tonnes of salt per season.
ISO 27001 is the internationally recognised standard for an information security management system that helps organisations to protect sensitive data and systematically manage risks in the handling of information. After almost a year of preparation, our group recently successfully passed the audit and is now ISO 27001 certified.
Our Group was recently successfully audited and certified in accordance with ISO 27001. Read here in an interview with Dario Stöckli, CISO at the Aebi Schmidt Group and project manager for the ISO 27001 certification, about the challenges of such a project, success factors and what the future holds for the newly certified IT security management system.
In our previous blog, we highlighted our groundbreaking innovations in salt spreading over the last 75 years. Now, we turn our focus to the digital solutions transforming winter services. For 75 years, Aebi Schmidt Nederland—part of the Aebi Schmidt Group—has led the way in pioneering digital technologies that enhance efficiency, optimize resource use, and improve road safety. In this blog, we explore key digital advancements, including the evolution from WinterLogic to IntelliOPS, and the development of driver assistance systems like Route Assistant and ThermoLogic.
CH-Frauenfeld, December 16, 2024 – Aebi Schmidt Group and The Shyft Group (NASDAQ: SHYF) today announced a definitive agreement to combine in an all-stock merger. Aebi Schmidt’s current shareholders will hold a majority in the combined company at closing. This merger will create a world leading specialty vehicle manufacturer and upfitter, with estimated 2024 combined revenue of nearly 2 billion U.S. dollars. After closing, Aebi Schmidt’s shares will trade in the U.S. on the NASDAQ Stock Market.
La sicurezza nelle spazzatrici moderne è una priorità assoluta, soprattutto nei modelli elettrici come la Schmidt eCleango 550. Dalla robusta struttura della cabina, al design ergonomico e alle innovative vetrature, numerosi test e certificazioni garantiscono che ogni componente soddisfi gli standard più elevati. Scoprite come l'attenta progettazione e i rigorosi test diano vita a un prodotto sicuro e di facile utilizzo.
How do you make good things even better? By putting the user at the centre and making handling even easier in demanding applications with modern operating concepts, targeted performance enhancements and optimised technology.
I test a lungo termine sono fondamentali per lo sviluppo delle spazzatrici, in quanto garantiscono che queste macchine siano in grado di resistere alle esigenze dell'uso quotidiano e di funzionare in modo affidabile nel lungo periodo. In questo articolo, diamo uno sguardo dietro le quinte e scopriamo cosa bisogna considerare quando si sviluppa una spazzatrice elettrica sicura.